A systematic review of the tourism and nature relationship in covid-19 pandemic in Latin America

Keywords: tourism, nature, pandemic, covid-19 turismo, naturaleza, pandemia, covid-19


This systematic review study analyzes the relationship of tourism and nature in a pandemic by covid-19 in Latin America, in order to investigate new conceptions, philosophical approaches and tourist scenarios. 13 articles published between 2020 and 2021 in Spanish were analyzed in the REDIB, Redalyc, DOAJ and Dialnet databases. The studies evidenced the need to rethink tourism from its own conception with a biocentric and holistic approach, incorporating the rights of nature and responsibility so that the new post-pandemic scenario be sustainable and resilient, considering the local community.


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Author Biography

Dra. Yusara Isis Mastrocola, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, UNCo, UPV

Yusara Isis Mastrocola: yusaramastrocola@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1137-1299, Research Teacher of the Recreation and Tourism Group in Conservation. Faculty of Tourism. National University of Comahue. Degree in Tourism (UNCo). Specialist in Tourism in Natural and Rural Spaces (UPV). PhD in Innovation, Territorial Development and Competitiveness (UPV).

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