Ethical guidelines for research

Keywords: ethics, knowledge, research, society, market ética, conocimiento, investigación, sociedad, mercado


The goal of this work is to develop the rudimentary tools to understand what the ethics of research consists of. With this aim in first place we shall see what is the link that bounds ethics with science, in what this discipline consists of and what do we mean when we refer to ethical research guidelines. We will briefly explore in its history from the sphere of health, since the ethic of research starts in this field to then spread towards to other branches of knowledge. Finally, we shall reflect on the application of some of these guidelines.


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Author Biography

Dra. Cecilia Pourrieux, Universidad Nacional de Lan´ús

Cecilia Pourrieux: Prof. and Dr. Philosophy, Pedagogical Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Methodology of Scientific Research. Coordinator of the Ethical Area. Department of Humanities and Arts. Member of the Ethics Committee. National University of Lanús.

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