Nationalism and nationalisms

Keywords: nation, nationalism, state, capitalism nación, nacionalismo, estado, capitalismo


In this article, I intend to gather the key ideas and concepts on the theory of nationalism by analyzing the works of the three authors who founded the theoretical basis of the nation and nationalism as concepts: Benedict Anderson, Ernest Gellner and Eric Hobsbawn, as tools to understand the emergence of nationalism in Argentina.

To analyze the origins of Argentine nationalism I will work with three texts in which Héctor Muzzopopappa studies and analyzes different Argentine nationalists of the early twentieth century: Leopoldo Lugones, Manuel Gálvez and Ricardo Rojas, and an impeccable compilation and analysis, which Muzzopopappa makes on the sanction of the Riccheri Law and the doctrine of the Nation in Arms adopted by the Argentine army.


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Author Biography

Laura Lago

Laura Lago es Licenciada en Ciencia Política y Gobierno, Universidad Nacional de Lanús. Integra el Proyecto “J. M. Ramos Mejía. La organización social y económica del gobierno de Rosas.
Nación y nacionalismo en la discusión del orden Conservador”. Amílcar Herrera I+D - 1ER. PROYECTO - 33A – 2021. N°: 80020210200005LA. Período: 2022-2023. Director: Dr. Héctor Muzzopappa. Co director: Dr. Alejandro Herrero.

Argentinos llevando una gran bandera argentina.