Milgram, Humphreys and Zimbardo: Three classic cases of ethics of social research

Keywords: casos clásicos, ética, investigación, ciencias sociales, daño classic cases, ethics, research, social sciences, damage


The purpose of this article is to give an account of the beginnings of reflection on the ethical issues of social research, and to analyze in depth three classic cases: Milgram's experiment of obedience to authority; the Humphreys tearoom trade and the Zimbardo prison experiment. The main ethical issues that the cases raise will be analyzed, paying particular attention to the occurrence of harm to the participants. Finally, an argument will be made for the importance of considering the ethical issues that arise in social research.


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Author Biography

María Florencia Santi, UBA

Profesora y Doctora en Filosofía (UBA). Magíster en Ciencia Política y Sociología (FLACSO). Investigadora Asistente del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Profesora Asociada de la Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y Profesora Adjunta de la Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud.   

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