Ensayos de historia intelectual

Keywords: History, Intellectual History, Echeverría, Sarmiento, Alberdi Historia, Historia Intelectual, Echeverría, Sarmiento, Alberdi


The title of the dossier alludes to the focus and approach to the object. Essay, first of all, is the most appropriate vocabulary because they are writings that follow the norms of scientific, academic work, but assume that they are first approximations, and that require a certain flexibility to incorporate reflections, panoramas necessary to understand . certain processes or stage of an intellectual itinerary, in the cases of Echeverría, Sarmiento, Alberdi or the publication La voz de la mujer. Without a doubt, they are united by the concern of these protagonists for the issue of the political field and its problems. These are protagonists from the political field who speak about the same political field, which is why the title alludes to intellectual history. If periodical publications dominate as the main source in the different essays, it is because it is the central medium used in the 19th century to conduct politics in public debate. The political field is always the object of study, and intellectual history and the history of education (which in this case does not appear in the dossier) are the two entries that guide us.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Herrero, UNLa

Doctor en Historia


Dossier / Workbooks