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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • La petición no ha sido publicada previamente, ni se ha presentado a otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación en Comentarios al editor).
  • El fichero enviado está en formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, o WordPerfect.
  • Se han añadido direcciones web para las referencias donde ha sido posible.
  • El texto tiene interlineado simple; el tamaño de fuente es 12 puntos; se usa cursiva en vez de subrayado (exceptuando las direcciones URL); y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas están dentro del texto en el sitio que les corresponde y no al final del todo.
  • El texto cumple con los requisitos bibliográficos y de estilo indicados en las Normas para autoras/es, que se pueden encontrar en Acerca de la revista.
  • Si esta enviando a una sección de la revista que se revisa por pares, tiene que asegurase que las instrucciones en Asegurando de una revisión a ciegas) han sido seguidas.

Author Guidelines

Publication rules for original articles

I. Methodological Perspectives is a magazine that adheres to the continuous publication modality, open to those who wish to send articles, reviews and critical studies, as well as to those who wish to answer criticizable or debatable questions of the published articles. In this sense, the magazine is offered as a dialogue space for the presentation of various interpretations and perspectives, indicating the corresponding sources when necessary.

II. The collaborations are sent through the Open Journal System platform, which is the support of Methodological Perspectives in the Portal of Scientific Journals "Arturo Peña Lillo", of the National University of Lanús.

III. Academic articles with a maximum length of 10,000 words will be accepted, including footnotes, bibliography, charts, graphs and images. Articles must be accompanied by a title and abstract in Spanish and English (no more than 100 words), a brief curriculum reference of the author (no more than 50 words) and an email address. Authors may submit articles in Spanish, Portuguese and English. "Perspectives" will also be received, with a maximum length of 6,000 words, more essay texts with a title and abstract in Spanish and English. Other submissions to receive will be reviews of books that contain between 1000 and 1200 words and that deal with texts published in the last three years. Papers that refer to research reports that are considered relevant can be sent through Methodological Perspectives to “Workbooks” that will be published in the Dossier section of the journal.

IV. The proposed articles must be unpublished. The submission or delivery of a work to this journal implies that its author undertakes not to submit it simultaneously to the consideration of other publications.
V. Shipments
The articles will be sent to epistemologiaymetodologia@hotmail.com.ar, or alternatively to the Center for Research in Scientific Theories and Practices, Department of Humanities and Arts, National University of Lanús, September 29, 3901, Climbing Remedies, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina (for the latter case, it is required to send two copies on paper and one on CD). Until the shipment is definitely managed through the OJS.
V. 1. General text format
Margins: 2.5 (upper, lower, right and left). Justified. Letter: Times New Roman, size 12. Line spacing: single. Bleeds: 0.5 cm. Double space between one paragraph and another. Do not insert page numbers. Every word belonging to another language must be written in italics, whether or not it is enclosed in quotation marks. The main text must be justified in both margins. Textual citations are recorded in section V.3.

V. 2. Title and subtitles
Title: left sided, bold and lowercase (except the first letter of the title). Times New Roman font, size 14.
Subtitle: left sided, bold and under the main title. Times New Roman font, size 12.
Author's name: enter full names and surnames, under the title in the left margin.
Section titles: justified to the left and in bold. If numbering is used, enter only with Roman numerals and in capital letters. Times New Roman font, size 12. Do not enter the section titles in italics.

V.3. Textual quotation system
Within the text: in common quotes ("..."). If appointments have stretchers, replace them with single quotes (“…‘… ’…”).
In box: citations in the body of the text that exceed the three extension lines must be inserted separately and separated by a blank line. Left and right margin of 1cm, letter size 11, single spacing. No bleeds and no quotes. When the appointment begins with a lowercase letter, it must be preceded by two square brackets and three dots [...].
References: at the end of the appointment and in brackets, following APA format (6th edition). Example: (Echeverría, 2007, p. 12) or (Echeverría, 2007, pp. 12-13).
Footnotes: Times New Roman, size 10, single spacing and justified margins.
V.4., Tables, images and pictures
Tables must be made from Word tables or they can be imported from Excel, or other compatible programs, but so that they maintain the characteristics of a dynamic table or object and not an image.
In addition to being inserted in the document, the images must be sent separately in JPEG format with a resolution equal to or greater than 300 dpi. It should be considered that they are not subject to copyright.
The tables must be made in Word, under the format "tables" and not lines or loose graphics.

V.5. Bibliography
Book with author:
Surname / s and initial of the author's name (s) (Year). Title. City: Editorial.

Ex: Foucault, M. (2006). Watch out and punish. Birth of the Prison. Buenos Aires: 21st century.

Book with editor:
Surname / s and initial of the editor's name (s) (Ed.) (Year). Title. City: Editorial.

Ex: Cragnolini, M. (Ed.) (2013). Between Nietzsche and Derrida. Buenos Aires: The zebra.

Book in electronic version (no printed simile)
Surname / s and initial of the author's name (s) (Year). Title. City: Editorial. Recovered from http // www.xxxxxx.xxx

Ex: Esperón, J., Etchegaray, R., Chicolino, M. and Romano, A. (2016). Think with Deleuze. Recovered from http://editorialabiertafaia.com/pifilojs/index.php/FAIA/article
Chapters of the book
Chapter extracted from a printed book:
Surname / s and initial of the author's name (s) (Year). "Chapter Title." In the name (s) and surname (s) of the editor (s) (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. Xx-xx). City: Editorial.
Anderson, P. (2003). "Neoliberalism: a provisional balance". In E. Sader and Gentili, P. (Eds). The plot of neoliberalism. Marking, crisis and exclusion (pp. 25-38). Buenos Aires: CLACSO.
Chapter taken from an electronic book:
Surname / s and initial of the author's name (s) (Year). "Chapter Title." In the name / s and last name of the editor (s) (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. Xx-xx). Recovered from http // www.xxxxxx.xxx
Magazine articles:
Surname / s and initial of the author's name (s) (Year). "Article title". Publication title, volume (number), pp. xx-xx
Ambrosini, M. (2012). “Constitution of modern states: governance and racism. The case
Argentina". Astrolabe: international philosophy magazine, (13), pp. 27-36.
Article extracted from digital newspaper:
Surname / s and initial of the author's name (s, Year, day of publication). "Article title". Name of the newspaper. Recovered from http // www.xxxxxx.xxx
Dubet, F. (2016, January 11). "The new social inequality." Page 12. Retrieved from http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/dialogos/21-290011-2016-01-11.html
Other academic texts:
Paper published in Congress or conference proceedings:
Surname / s and initial of the author's name (s) (Year). "Title of the paper". In the title of the minutes. Recovered from http // www.xxxxxx.xxx
Cala, Gustavo (2013). "Class struggle and random materialism." In Proceedings of the VII Conference of Young Researchers. Gino Germani Institute. Recovered from http://jornadasjovenesiigg.sociales.uba.ar/project/vii-jornadas-jovenes-investigadores-iigg-2013/
Unpublished paper
Surname / s and initial of the author's name (s) (Year). "Title of the paper" (unpublished paper). Name of the institution where the presentation was presented, City.
Méndez, P. (2015). "The social uses of the Panoptic" (unpublished paper). National University of Lanús, Climbing Remedies.
Thesis published in electronic version:
Surname / s and initial of the author's name (s) (Year). Thesis title (Master's or PhD thesis). Recovered from http // www.xxxxxx.xxx
Mombrú, A. (2013). Philia and sophia for a metacritics of epistemology: reflections on ideas and practices (PhD thesis). Recovered from http://www.repositoriojmr.unla.edu.ar/descarga/TE/DFilo/Mombru_A_Philia_2013.pdf
Unpublished, printed thesis: Muñoz Castillo, L. (2004). Determination of knowledge about emotional intelligence that teachers have and the importance attached to the concept in the use of students (unpublished master's thesis). Metropolitan University, San Juan, PR.
These criteria are a minimum and necessary condition for the publication of the texts sent. It is recommended to carefully review the proposed text before sending it to the Journal.

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The names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes declared by this magazine and will not be available for any other purpose or person.