Parental Style Perceived in Adolescents with Food Conduct Disorder

Keywords: parental Style, Eating Disorders Estilos parentales, Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria


Multiple investigations sought to analyze the relationship between parenting styles and eating disorders without even conclusive results. In this line, this research sought to explore the incidence of perceived parental styles in the levels of body dissatisfaction of adolescents with Eating Disorders (eating disorders). A questionnaire of sociodemographic and personal data, the Inventory of Eating Disorders-3 (EDI-3), with linguistic and conceptual adaptation was administered to 25 adolescents, 80% women and 20% men between 12 and 21 years with a diagnosis of eating disorders. Rutsztein, Maglio, Laura, Armatta, Leonardelli, López, Moiseeff, Murawski, Redondo & Marola, 2006) and the Children's Report of Parental Behavior (CRPB, Schaefer, 1965). The results were expected to find that the parental style most frequently perceived by patients with eating disorders is the authoritarian. Taking into account the three dimensions that the scale evaluates, it can be thought that the result throws a style closer to the permissive than to the authoritarian since the score of the scale indicates that there is greater Acceptance and Extreme Autonomy than Pathological Control, understanding the permissive style It is characterized by little control and they have little maturity requirement, but they generate a high level of communication and affection. What predominates is letting go and acceptance of behavior. Among the findings, the association of a permissive parental style with eating disorders and the possible difficulties that this may cause when providing the therapeutic approach is postulated.


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Author Biographies

Dra. Analía Losada, Universidad Católica Argentina
Psicopedagoga. Lic. y Dra. Psicología. Especialista y  Magíster en Metodología de la Investigación. Especialista en Psicología Clinica con Orientacion en Docencia e Investigación. Pos Doctora en Psicología.
Dra. Guadalupe Germanos, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Dra. María Laura Adrio, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina
