Governmentality, populism criminal and punitive practices in Argentina

  • Florencia Beltrame
Keywords: Penal populism, punitive practices, governmentality, security policies, insecurity Populismo penal, prácticas punitivas, gubernamentalidad, políticas de seguridad, inseguridad


This article addresses the characteristics assumed by current punitivism, particularly in Argentina, and the implementation of measures, strategies and political discourses of the new neoliberal penalty from the perspective of the concept of governmentality. This new penalty has a condition of possibility through the new wave of neoliberalism in the region, which is characterized, among other things, by the reinforcement of models of social exclusion, regressive policies and a regression in terms of human and social rights.


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Author Biography

Florencia Beltrame
Florencia Beltrame: National University of Lanús Graduated in Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Specialist in Critical Studies of Law and Rights Human Rights by the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) and the Latin American School of Public Policies (ELAP). Master's Degree in Social Sciences from the General Sarmiento National University (UNGS) and the Institute for Economic and Social Development (IDES). Researcher at the Institute of Justice and Human Rights from the National University of Lanús (UNLa). She is Head of Practical Works at the Justice and Human Rights Seminar and instructor teacher in the Bachelor of Justice and Rights Human of the UNLa. Participates as a member of the International Experimental Tribunal on Rights Human of the UNLa.
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