¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de historia de las ideas o historia intelectual? Historia de investigadores (Segunda Entrega)


Siempre hay una historia, en realidad muchas historias. Este dossier, obviamente, tiene las suyas, y me gustaría contar al menos una versión que reúna a colegas que guardo siempre en mi memoria y a otras y otros con quiénes nos encontramos, a veces, en ese mundo virtual de las nuevas comunicaciones o en reuniones académicas.

Un hilo conductor liga y organiza esta breve narración. Me preocupa y me ocupa como historiador la preservación de los archivos documentales y la creación misma de fuentes. Me resulta muy revelador conocer la experiencia de la cocina de la investigación, de la enseñanza, de los modos de lecturas y de las diversas estrategias de escrituras (...).


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Author Biographies

Dr. Alejandro Herrero, UNLa-USAL-CONICET

Alejandro Herrero: herrero_alejandro@yahoo.com.ar UNLa-USAL-CONICET
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4726-5236 Docente en Universidad Nacional de Lanús y Universidad
del Salvador. Investigador del CONICET

Dr. Julio Vezub, IPCSH-CONICET,
Julio Esteban Vezub: vezub@cenpat-conicet.gob.ar, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6582-3663, IPCSH-CONICET, National University of Patagonia San Juan Bosco. He is Professor of History at the National University of Buenos Aires and Doctor of History at the National University of the Center of the Province of Buenos Aires. He works as a CONICET Researcher and is director of the Patagonian Institute of Social and Human Sciences in Puerto Madryn, Chubut. He is Ordinary Professor of Argentine History II (1852-1930) and Degree Thesis in History of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the National University of Patagonia San Juan Bosco at the Trelew campus. The indigenous and regional history, the wars of expansion, and the process of colonization and formation of national states in southern Argentina and Chile are his main field of research. Participates in museographic initiatives and valorization of documentary collections together with Patagonian, Argentine, Latin American and European universities, archives and museums. He has published Indians and Soldiers. The photographs of Carlos Encina and Edgardo Moreno during the “Conquest of the Desert” (2002) and Valentín Saygüeque and the “Indigenous Government of Las Manzanas. Power and ethnicity in northern Patagonia (1860-1881) (2009). He has edited with María Inés Rodríguez Aguilar Patagonian Visual Heritage: Territories and Societies (2017). He is the director of the collection of history books "Tanteando elelephant" of Editorial Sb.
Dr. Gustavo Vallejo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, CONICET
Gustavo Vallejo: 1208gvallejo@gmail.com,https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4730-2455, National University of La Plata-CONCIET, Gustavo Vallejo is a Doctor of History from the National University of La Plata and did a Postdoctorate in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires. He is an Independent Researcher of CONICET and a professor at the National Universities of La Plata and Tres de Febrero. In 2010 he was awarded by the National Academy of History of Argentina. Individually, he is the author of: Scenarios of the Argentine scientific culture, CSIC, Madrid, 2007; Cisplatin utopias, Las Cuarenta, Buenos Aires, 2009; Urban project and popular sectors in the genesis of La Plata, Prohistoria, Rosario, 2015; José Gabriel and the criticism of culture, Prometheus, Buenos Aires, 2021. In co-authorship he directed collective works such as: Social Darwinism and Eugenics in the Latin world, Siglo XXI, Buenos Aires, 2005; Politics of the body, Siglo XXI, Buenos Aires, 2008; Darwin drifts, Siglo XXI, Buenos Aires, 2010; A history of eugenics. Argentina and international biopolitical networks (1912-1945), Byblos, Buenos Aires, 2012; Transatlantic Knowledge, Twelve Streets, Madrid, 2017; Darwin and Darwinism from the south of the south, Doce Calles, Madrid, 2018; The history of health and disease challenged. Latin America and Spain (19th-21st centuries), UNLa, Lanús, 2022. He also co-directed 5 special issues for scientific journals, published numerous papers, book chapters and works in other formats.
Javier Trímboli, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Javier Trímboli: javat66@gmail.com, National University of La Plata, Professor of history and historian. Between 1992 and 2000, he was a member of the Argentine and Latin American Thought chair at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the UBA. He coordinated the project Thirty years after the 1976 coup of the National Ministry of Education (2005/6). From Public Television he advised on the contents of the documentary series Traces of a century in the Bicentennial as well as the films Revolution. The crossing of the Andes and Belgrano. The movie. He was part of the team that created the RTA Historical Archive and the Prisma page, and its first coordinator. Among his books are Nineteen Hundred and Four. Along the path of Bialet Massé (1999) and Sublunar. Between Kirchnerism and the Revolution (2017). He is an adjunct professor in the History course at the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences at the University of La Plata.
Dra. Paula Ripamonti, Universidad NAcional de Cuyo
Paula Ripamonti: paula.ripamonti@ffyl.uncu.edu.ar, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0187-1273, National University of Cuyo, Professor and Doctor of Philosophy (UNCuyo). Specialist in University Teaching (UNCuyo). Postgraduate in Educational Research with a Socio-Anthropological Approach (CEA-UNCórdoba- Ministry of Education of the Nation). Postgraduate and postdoctoral training fellow, for teaching mobility abroad for a research stay at CSIC-Madrid-Spain. Effective Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters and of Law of the UNCuyo. Professor at the Higher Institute of Teacher Training 9-001. He teaches postgraduate courses in Specialization, Master's and Doctorate degrees and continuous teacher training. He has experience in educational and curricular management, in teaching and in the production of teaching materials in the area of ​​philosophy. She is a federal Evaluator of the Federal Commission for Registration and Permanent Evaluation of Distance Education Offers, of the Federal Council of Education for the period. Experience directing research projects in the fields of philosophy, education and the history of Latin American ideas with projects financed by SECyTUNC, CONICET and INFOD (Ministry of Education of the Nation). He has participated as a speaker and lecturer in Congresses and Conferences in the field of Philosophy, Philosophical Anthropology, Education, Teacher Training and the History of Latin American Ideas. He has coordinated the books and has publications in academic journals, such as "Research through narratives: epistemic-methodological notes" (2017), "For an epistemology of teaching practice. Critical review of her toolbox” (2019), “Rereading Arendt in a postcolonial key for an analysis of postponements” (2020), “Critical interpellations to philosophical anthropology. Agenda of problems and notes on alternative writings”, with Adriana Arpini (2019), “School trajectories from resistant singularities: an educational investigation through biographical stories” (2020), together with Patricia Lizana and “Tactical interventions on the relationship between canon , philosophy and writing” (2021), with Alejandro De Oto. She is the director of Knowledge and Practices. Philosophy and Education Magazine, member of the Editorial Committee of the Cuyo Magazine and founding member of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Philosophy at School (CIIFE-UNCuyo).
Dra. Soledad Quereilhac , Universidad de Buenos Aires-Universidad Nacional de San Martín-CONICET
Soledad Querilhac: solquerei@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9743-200X, University of Buenos Aires-National University of San Martín-CONICET, Soledad Quereilhac (1975) is a Doctor of Letters from the University of Buenos Aires and Associate Researcher of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina (CONICET). She is a regular Associate Professor of "Problems of Argentine Literature" at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (UBA) and a member of the Institute of Argentine and American History "Dr. Emilio Ravignani” (UBA – CONICET). Since 2018, he teaches the seminar "Sociology of literature" in the master's degree in "Sociology of Culture and Cultural Analysis" of IDAES - UNSAM. He currently directs a UBACyT project for young researchers on literature and the press in Argentina. She is the author of the book When science awakened fantasies. Press, literature and occultism in entresiglos Argentina (Siglo XXI, 2016) and numerous articles and book chapters on Argentine literature and cultural history. He is a founding member and member of the Editorial Board of AhiRa (Historical Archive of Argentine Magazines, www.ahira.com.ar), a repository in which he has included complete collections of science fiction magazines. He coordinates the edition of Argentine and Latin American literature in the "Clásica" collection of Colihue publishing house and was a member of the editorial committee of the cultural magazine Las Ranas. Arts, essay, translation (2008-2015). For fifteen years, he published literary criticism in the newspaper La Nación. As a researcher, she has specialized in the study of the relationships between literature, science and the occult between the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th. He has privileged early science fiction and the River Plate fantastic, and his projections of the scientific imaginary. Likewise, he has concentrated on the study of press media linked to literature or scientific dissemination, and on the analysis of public interventions by intellectuals and writers on science and the occult.
Roberto Pittaluga, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa-Universidad Nacional de La Plata-Universidad de Buenos Aires
Roberto Pittaluga: roberto.pittaluga@gmail.com, National University of La Pampa-National University of La Plata-University of Buenos Aires, Roberto Pittaluga has a BA and a PhD in History from the University of Buenos Aires. He works as a Professor at the National University of La Pampa, the National University of La Plata and the University of Buenos Aires. He is a researcher at IEHSOLP and IESH at UNLPam and IdIHSC at UNLP, in which he directs and co-directs two accredited research projects. He was the founder and director of CeDInCI and was a member of the Open Memory Oral Archive team. He has published numerous articles in national and international specialized journals. Among his most important books, Soviets in Buenos Aires stand out. The left of Argentina before the revolution in Russia (2015), and in collaboration, Memories in montage. Militancy Writings and Thoughts on History (1st ed. 2006; 2nd ed. 2012); forms of politics. Experiences of activism in the recent past. Argentina, 1955-2010 (2018); Aesthetic figurations of the recent Argentine experience (2016) and History, memory and oral sources (2006).
Dr. Ricardo Pasolini, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires-CONICET
Ricardo Pasolini: pasolini@fch.unicen.edu.ar, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8760-2968, National University of the Center of the Province of Buenos Aires-CONICET, Ricardo Pasolini: Doctor of History ( UNCPBA). He is a career researcher at CONICET and professor of Fundamentals and Methodology of Historical Research. Specialist in the cultural history of anti-fascism, she investigates the political culture of the left from a transnational perspective. Among other academic publications, he is the author of Prometheus' utopia: Juan Antonio Salceda, from antifascism to communism (2006) and Liberal Marxists: antifascism and communist culture in twentieth-century Argentina (2013). He currently directs the Doctorate in History at the National University of the Center of the Province of Buenos Aires.
Dr. Marcos Olalla, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, CONICET
Marcos Olalla: marcosolalla@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1111-1067, National University of Cuyo-CONICET, Professor and Doctor of Philosophy (National University of Cuyo). Associate Researcher of the Conicet, Associate Professor of Philosophy of Culture (Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the UNCuyo) and Associate Professor of Introduction to Philosophy (Faculty of Law of the UNCuyo). He has carried out postdoctoral stays at the University of Barcelona (2010) and at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2013-2014). Coordinator of the Practical Philosophy and History of Ideas Group of the Institute of Human, Social and Environmental Sciences (INCIHUSA, CCT-Mendoza/CONICET).
Dr. Diego Mauro, Universidad de Rosario, CONICET
Diego Muro: diegoalemauro@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9682-4116, National University of Rosario-CONICET, Diego Mauro has a Doctorate in Humanities and Arts from the National University of Rosario (2010). He works as an Independent Researcher at CONICET-ISHIR and as a teacher and coordinator of the Doctorate in History at the aforementioned university. Among his latest books are: Marian Devotions. Local and global Catholicisms in Argentina. From the 19th century to the present (Prohistoria Ediciones, 2021), Catholics and politics in Latin America before Christian Democracy, 1880-1950 (with Martín Castro, EDUNTREF, 2019 and 2021) and Latin America between reform and revolution. From independence to the 21st century (co-authored with Marta Bonaudo and Silvia Simonassi, Editorial Síntesis, 2021).
Leandro Losada, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, CONICET
Leandro Losada: leandroagustinlosada@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4658-0819, National University of San Martín-CONICET, Leandro Losada is a Professor, Graduate and Doctor in History from the National University of the Center of the Province of Buenos Aires. Specialist in the history of the elites, political history and history of political thought, he is an Independent Researcher at CONICET, Professor of Argentine History at the School of Politics and Government of the National University of San Martín (UNSAM), and Director of the Research Institute Policies (CONICET/ UNSAM). He has been a Wallace Fellow at The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies (Villa I Tatti, Florence, Italy) and visiting researcher at: Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris), Complutense University of Madrid, Center for Political and Constitutional Studies ( Madrid), Casa de Velázquez-Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Girona, Università degli Studi di Milano, Università per Stranieri di Siena and Freie Universität Berlin. He received the Ricardo Rojas Special Prize from the Ministry of Culture of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires (Former Municipal Prize) for his book La alta Sociedad en la Buenos Aires de la Belle Époque. Sociability, lifestyles and identities (Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI Iberoamericana, 2008). His latest book is Machiavelli in Argentina. Uses and readings, 1830-1940 (Buenos Aires, Katz Editores, 2019).
Dra. PAtricia Funes, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Patricia Funes: patfunes@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1697-4905, University of Buenos Aires-CONICET, PhD in History from the National University of La Plata. Professor of Latin American Social History at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. Independent Researcher of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) based at the Gino Germani Research Institute. His research concerns the field of political and cultural ideas in Latin America in the 20th century. Vice Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences. UBA (period 2014-2018). She is Academic Advisor to the Provincial Commission for Memory. Among her publications as author: Patricia Funes, Minimal History of Political Ideas in Latin America, El Colegio de México, México, 2014. Another edition: Turner, Madrid, 2014. Zapata, Francisco, Cerutti, Horacio, Funes, Patricia, El philosophical, political and sociological thought, Mexico, Archivo Histórico-Diplomático-SRE, 2011, volume II. 2011. Funes, Patricia, Save the Nation. Intellectuals, culture and politics in the Latin American twenties, Editorial Prometeo, Buenos Aires, 2006. As editor or director: Patricia Funes (ed.), Understand and judge. Doing Justice in the social sciences, Imago Mundi, Buenos Aires, 2022. Patricia Funes (director) Revolution, Dictatorship and Democracy. Militant and military logics in the recent history of Argentina in Latin America, Ed. Imago Mundi, Buenos Aires, 2016.
Dr. Alejandro De Oto, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, CONICET
Alejandro De Oto: adeoto@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2704-1123. Independent Researcher of CONICET at the Institute of Philosophy of the National University of San Juan (UNSJ). He was a history teacher at the National University of Patagonia San Juan Bosco, Argentina and directed the Master of Arts at the same university. He is a professor of Philosophical Research Methodology and Epistemology at UNSJ. He received his doctorate from the Center for Asian and African Studies at El Colegio de México, has been a Research Fellow at Brown University and has participated in the African Series Seminar at the University of Cape Town as a speaker, among other activities. He has published numerous articles and book chapters on postcolonial criticism and travel literature. He is the author of several books, highlighting Frantz Fanon. Politics and poetics of the postcolonial subject (Mexico), a work that received in 2005 the "Frantz Fanon Prize for Outstanding Book in Caribbean Thought" from the Caribbean Philosophical Association. In this association he has been elected to the Secretariat of Philosophies of the South and Fanonian Studies.
Dr. Darío G. Barriera, Unviersidad Nacional de Rosario, CONICET
Darío G. Barriera: dgbarriera@yahoo.com.ar ,https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3708-8301, National University of Rosario-CONICET, Darío G. Barriera has a degree in History from the National University of Rosario (1996), PhD in History from the EHESS (Paris, 2002) and did his post-doctorate at UNAM (Mexico, 2003). He works as a Regular Full Professor in the UNR History career and is Principal Investigator of CONICET based at ISHIR (CCT Rosario), Executing Unit of which he is deputy director. He was Chercheur Invited by the MSH (Paris), Director of Studies by the EHESS (Paris) and Visiting Professor by the Autonomous University of Madrid, among others. He has been holder of the Chaire de l'Amérique Latine by the IPEAT (Toulouse) and Researcher of the Casa de Velázquez (Madrid). He is an associate researcher at FRAMESPA (Toulouse, France), director of the Malvinas and South Atlantic Program (UNR) and of the Higher Studies Diploma of the same name. Coordinates RIESGA (International Network of Studies on the Government of Archipelagos) and the History of Justice Network (RHJ). Since 1997 he has directed the magazine Prohistoria and, in the same publishing house, the Historia Argentina and Historia & Cultura collections. His book Open Doors to the Land won the National Academy of History Award in 2015 and the International Prize for the History of Indian Law in 2018.
Dra. Mariana Alvarado, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, CONICET
Mariana Alvarado: elotro4to@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5562-1697, National University of Cuyo-CONICET Mariana Alvarado (Mendoza, 1976) is a Doctor of Philosophy (FFyL-UNCuyo), Specialist in Constructivism and Education (FLACSO), Diploma in Culture and Communication (MEL-FCPyS-UNCuyo), Professor of University Degree in Philosophy (FFyL-UNCuyo). Independent Researcher (INCIHUSA - CCT - Mendoza / CONICET Argentina). She develops her investigative work on the discursive frontier that links Latin American feminist epistemologies, dissident pedagogies and the history of women's ideas in Our America. She has published Feminismos del Sur (Prometheus, 2020); he has compiled together with Adriana Arpini and Paula Ripamonti. Languages ​​of Philosophy. Bodies Communities Experiences. (Qellqasqa, 2019); editor together with Alejandro De Oto Methodologies in context. Interventions from a feminist/postcolonial/Latin American perspective (CLACSO, 2017); co-author with Marcos Olalla and Paula Ripamoni (Qellqasqa, 2016) Thinking and doing: the job of The Popular Instructor in Argentine education at the end of the 19th century, and with VVAA El Humanismo, los humanismos. Ideas and practices reviewed from our America (2015, EDIUNC); has generated "Proposals for the incorporation of Latin American thought in schools" for the three volumes of the Diversity and Integration in Our America collection (2017, 2011 and 2010: Biblos).
Dr. Luciano Alonso, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, CONICET
Luciano Alonso: lpjalonso8@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5728-9747, Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Professor in History (UNL), Master in Latin American History (UNIA), Master in Social Sciences with orientation in Political Sociology (UNL) and Doctor of Humanities with a mention in History (UNR). He works as a teacher-researcher at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Faculty of Humanities and Sciences and Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Litoral (UNL/CONICET), where he is in charge of European history subjects from the Middle Ages to the contemporary. His field of studies is the Argentine history of the present, in which he has published works on the mobilization for human rights from the 1970s to the present, the relationship between politics and the cultural field in the years 1960-1980, the forms of repression and cultural identities.He has also carried out comparative work with Latin American and Iberian spaces.
Gabriela Águila, Universidad de Rosario, CONICET
Gabriela Águila: gbaguila@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4747-3345, National University of Rosario-CONICET. She has a PhD in History from the National University of Rosario. Principal Investigator of CONICET, based at ISHIR. Regular Professor of Contemporary Latin American History (School of History, UNR). His lines of research refer to the history of the last military dictatorship and the exercise of repression, to the study of the transition and the left. She is the author of Dictadura, repression and society in Rosario (2008), coordinator of the collective volumes Repressive processes and social attitudes: between Francoist Spain and the dictatorships of the Southern Cone (with L. Alonso, 2013), State repression and parastatal violence in Argentine recent history (with S. Garaño and P. Scatizza, 2016), Repression as State policy. Studies on state violence in the 20th century (with S. Garaño and P. Scatizza, 2020) and director of Occupied Territory. The history of the Command of the II Army Corps in Rosario (2016). She is co-coordinator of the Network of Studies on Repression and Political Violence (RER).
Dr. José Zanca, Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET
José Zanca: zanca@ishir-conicet.gov.ar, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0552-4618, CONICET, José Zanca is Professor of History at the University of Buenos Aires, Master in Historical Research and Doctor in History from the University of San Andrés. He is an independent researcher at CONICET (Higher Council for Scientific and Technological Research) based at the Socio-Historical Regional Research Institute (ISHIR) in Rosario. He is a member of the Network for the Study of the History of Secularization and Secularism (REDHISEL). He has published Catholic intellectuals and the end of Christianity (1955-1966) (2006); Antifascist Christians. Conflicts in Argentine Catholic Culture (1936-1959) (2013) and University Humanists. History and memory (2018). He has coordinated numerous collective works, among which Anticlerical Passions stand out. An Ibero-American tour (2014) and Disputed borders: religion, secularization and anticlericalism in Argentina (19th and 20th centuries) (2016) both with Roberto Di Stefano, and The questioned university reform (2018), with Diego Mauro. He has published various articles on the history of intellectuals and religion in academic publications in Argentina and abroad.
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