Evolution of a theory: connective tissue and silicon. Past, present and future of a possible association

Keywords: teoría celular, tejido conectivo, matriz extracelular, silicio, salud cell theory, connective tissue, extracellular matrix, silicon, health


The history of science serves to understand the evolution of a theory, currently solid, presented difficulties, leaving unknowns for later studies and how these allow to extend the link between that initial theory in relation to general and current aspects. Analyzing the connective tissue, its importance for the original cell theory and how opportunely the chemical composition of the extracellular matrix remained pending investigation, adding the rediscovery of silicon in its trajectory from being toxic to being a potentially beneficial element for human health, are examples of how a science progresses from ambiguous knowledge to multidisciplinary work.



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Author Biography

Alicia Araoz, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Histotecnóloga, colaboradora en investigaciones científicas, publicaciones y presentaciones en congresos nacionales e internacionales. Autora de “Epistemología y teorías de la medicina: selección de temas y perspectivas en el siglo XX”. Editorial Hygea. Actualmente trabajando en el Dpto. de Biología Molecular e Histología UA III - FMED - UBA.
