Continuing and permanent education for nurses in the vaccine room. A systematic review

Keywords: Continuing education, Vaccination, Nurse's performance, Permanent education, Health education Formación continua, Vacunación, Actuaciones de enfermería, Formación permanente, Educación sanitária


Academic education is essential for the development and growth of human beings, and specially for professionals in all areas of knowledge. For this study, the guiding question was: What are the challenges and perspectives of the nursing staff in the vaccine room regarding continuing and permanent education? The objective of the research is to know how the continuing and permanent education is performed for the nursing teams that work in vaccine rooms. This review uses the PRISMA method, which provides better transparency, quality, and coherence of the methodological information and results presented in the investigation. The Search for data took place in the period 2018 to 2023, based on Keywords, in multidisciplinar Search engines. In general, it was observed that continuing and permanent education for nurses in the vaccine roomm is not a widely studied topic, thus concluding that, since it is about updating health professionals, the importance of remodeled practices and reflections is necessary. It i salso necessary the development of public politics that encourage continued and continuing education for professionals in the vaccine room, promoting greater safety for users.


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Author Biography

Rosely Yavorski, Universidad de Flores y Universidad Internacional IberoAmericana

Doctora en Educación, por la Universidad Internacional IberoAmericana - México. Post-Doctora en Psicología con Supervisión en Revisión de Metodología de Investigación de la Universidad de Flores - Argentina. Maestría en Desarrollo Regional y Medio Ambiente del Centro Universitário de Araraquara - Brasil. Licenciada en Psicología por la Universidad Estadual de Maringá y en Pedagogía por la Facultad UNIFB. Miembro del Grupo de Investigación Interdisciplinar en Educación, Formación Docente y Aprendizaje - GIIEFPA

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