Educational strategies for the academic motivation of university students. A systematic review

Keywords: estrategias, educación, motivación, estudiantes, universidad strategies, education, motivation, students, university


The present work proposes to carry out a systematic review on educational strategies for the academic motivation of university students. Following the criteria established by the PRISMA Statement, the systematic review was carried out in January 2024 that, of the 674,421 articles identified, only six met the established inclusion criteria. The articles come from five databases that refer to publications in English and Spanish between 2023 and early 2024. It is concluded that the best educational strategies are accompanied by computer programs. At the same time, environmental support, an adequate self-concept and intrinsic motivation are the key to the academic success of university students.


Author Biography

Jessica Quito Calle, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana

Dra. en Psicología (Universidad de Palermo-Argentina). Magíster en Intervención Psicosocial Familiar (Universidad de Cuenca-Ecuador). Psicóloga Clínica (Universidad del Azuay-Ecuador). Directora del grupo de investigación en psicología GIPSI-SIB (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) sede Cuenca-Ecuador. Docente de pregrado y posgrado (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) sede Cuenca-Ecuador).

Check list de motivación.