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People´s, Social and Solidarity Economy in Argentina. An institutionality built between sediments and waves

  • María Victoria Deux Marzi Universidad Nacional de Rosario


In this article we argue that public policies to promote forms of non-salaried work identified as popular, social and solidarity economy (EPSS) have been established in the national State from a process of sedimentation of organisms and programs resulting from practices, struggles, claims and agreements celebrated at times and between diverse actors, motivated by sometimes divergent projects and meanings.The goal of the article is to reconstruct the institutionalization process of EPSS in Argentina, identifying those transitory features, typical of each political period, and the traces that would settle persistent forms of institutionality. In particular, we analyze the main national EPSS programs and organisms in four period, between 2003 and 2022, and the main demands and claims articulated by national organizations. For this work we combine primary and secondary sources, in particular documentaries. In the conclusions we characterize the main features of the EPSS institutionality of the last two decades in Argentina, and we identify some of the challenges it faces in the current stage.

Author Biography

María Victoria Deux Marzi, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Universidad Nacional de Rosario
