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State capacity and institutional coordination in the building of specialized agencies. The case of the National Agency for Road Safety (ANSV) in Argentina.

  • Julián Bertranou
Keywords: Descentralizad organizations, administrative reform, state capabilities, road security, National Agency for Road Security Organismos descentralizados, reforma administrativa, capacidades estatales, seguridad vial, Agencia Nacional de Seguridad Vial


In the past 20 years a process of agencification of public administration structures has occurred all over the world. This process, inspired by New Public Management ideas, searched for a more autonomous and professionalized public administration, although it reduced coordination and increased its fragmentation. The article studies the creation of the National Agency for Road Safety (ANSV) in Argentina, in terms of its impact on state capacity and on coordination and public policy coherence. The case of the ANSV shows on the one hand, a partial increase in the National Government’s capacities, but on the other hand, the non resolution of the previous coordination problems among all the organizations.

Author Biography

Julián Bertranou

Investigador-docente, ICO/Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento; profesor, EPG/Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina. Doctor en Ciencias Sociales (UBA), Master en Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO México).
