Gender and career paths of female primary care physicians in Andalusia, Spain, at the beginning of 21st century

Published 2 December 2014 Open Access

Lorena Saletti-Cuesta Psicóloga. Doctora en Salud, Antropología e Historia. Investigadora, Instituto de Estudios de las Mujeres y de Género, Universidad de Granada, Granada, España. , Ana Delgado Médica. Doctora en Medicina. Profesora, Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública, Granada, España. , Teresa Ortiz-Gómez Médica. Doctora en Medicina y Cirugía. Catedrática de Historia de la Ciencia, Departamento Anatomía Patológica e Historia de la Ciencia, Instituto de Estudios de las Mujeres y de Género, Universidad de Granada, Granada, España.

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Gender, Primary Health Care, Physicians, Achievement, Spain


The purpose of this article was to study, from a feminist perspective, the diversity and homogeneity in the career paths of female primary care physicians from Andalusia, Spain in the early 21st century, by analyzing the meanings they give to their careers and the influence of personal, family and professional factors. We conducted a qualitative study with six discussion groups. Thirty-two female primary care physicians working in urban health centers of the public health system of Andalusia participated in the study. The discourse analysis revealed that most of the female physicians did not plan for professional goals and, when they did plan for them, the goals were intertwined with family needs. Consequently, their career paths were discontinuous. In contrast, career paths oriented towards professional development and the conscious planning of goals were more common among the female doctors acting as directors of health care centers.