Matheus Guirra Martins Ferreira, Gilmar Mercês de Jesus, Etna Kaliane Pereira da Silva, Victor Bertino Silva, Mariana Costa da Silva
This article discusses the experience of a permanent health education initiative focused on institutional racism with health professionals from the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) [Read more]
Francisco Martínez-Granados, Erica Briones-Vozmediano, Elena Ronda
Adherence to psychopharmacological treatment essentially involves a process of meaning-making. [Read more]
Ángel Alonso-Domínguez, Sonia Otero-Estévez, Rocío Pérez-Gañán
The aim of this study, based on health care and social learning theories, is to understand the degree of implementation and reach of the “Brief Anti-Alcohol Counseling in Pediatric Age” protocol... [Read more]
Mónica Manríquez-Hizaut, Trinidad Martínez-Campos, Nicolás Lagos-Gallardo, Jame Rebolledo-Sanhueza
Physical therapy rehabilitation must address the cultural preferences of the population, and as its main tool, physical activity should be analyzed from an intercultural health approach [Read more]
Luciana García Guerreiro
The aim was to investigate and analyze the social, health, and economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Indigenous communities in the province of Catamarca (Argentina) [Read more]
Jeannette del Carmen Tineo Durán
This essay explores the affective maps or emotional archives of racialized communities in Spain, specifically focusing on the Caribbean Afro-diaspora in Madrid [Read more]
Mariano Gabriel Vigo Deandreis, Manuel Fonseca
We reconstruct the life path of the Argentine nurse and popular activist Irma Carrica, understood as a political-professional experience [Read more]
Gabriela Luchetti, Valeria Albardonedo, María Victoria Alfonso
The availability of medications to induce abortion, especially in contexts of restricted access, has transformed practices and allowed women and/or their community organizations to assist other women in obtaining abortions [Read more]
Oriol Alonso Cano, Eulàlia Hernández Encuentra
La técnica es un hacer, una actividad humana, lo cual nos remite a célebres concepciones antropológicas como antropotécnica, tal y como muchas veces plantea, por ejemplo, Peter Sloterdijk [Read more]
Eduardo L. Menéndez
A whole series of processes lead to the decrease in the use of traditional medicine by the indigenous peoples of Mexico [Read more]
Paula G. Rodríguez Zoya, Mónica Petracci, Alejandro Kaufman
The complexity, the global nature and the magnitude of the pandemic, in its epochal dimension, highlight the challenges of the relationship between society, communication and health [Read more]
Marta Llobet-Estany, Mercedes Serrano-Miguel, Araceli Muñoz, Adela Boixadós-Porquet, Belén Campomar
The experience of homelessness is associated with strong stigmatization processes, which are often reflected in the treatment received from professionals and the healthcare system itself. [Read more]
Ana López-Ávila, Edith Rivas-Riveros, Maggie Campillay-Campillay
he purpose of this paper is to delve into the ethical aspects experienced by the healthcare team when they receive the directive to limit therapeutic effort or a do-not-resuscitate order [Read more]
ISSN 1669-2381 (print version) | ISSN 1851-8265 (electronic version) | 2250-5334 (english edition)
Editor in chief: Viviana Martinovich
Publisher: Universidad Nacional de Lanús
Rector: Daniel Rodriguez Bozzani
29 de Septiembre 3901, Remedios de Escalada, Lanús (B1826GLC), Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina