Statistics and indicators

Last update: 29/07/2024

The figures of the indicators shown here reflect the practices and production modes of editorial projects that are not sustained by economic and industrial logics, but rather constructed from the need to maintain a space for reflection and commitment to the surrounding reality. These types of editorial proposals have their own processes of growth and legitimation, which should begin to be revalued and analyzed according to criteria aligned with their production logic.

1. Received-accepted articles

2. Acceptance rates

3. Articles published in Spanish and articles translated into English

4. Average days (receipt-publication)

5. Bibliometric indicators

6. International categorization



1. Received-accepted articles

Figure 1. Number of articles received and accepted, by year. Salud Colectiva, 2008-2023.

Source: Own elaboration based on data from the Open Journal Systems.
Note: The number of articles includes works submitted through the management platform for all sections. 

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2. Acceptance rates


Figure 2. Article acceptance rate, by year. Salud Colectiva, 2008-2023.

Note: The percentage of articles includes works submitted through the management platform for all sections.

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3. Articles published in Spanish and articles translated into English

Figure 3. Number of articles published in Spanish and articles translated into English, by year, by sections. Salud Colectiva, 2005-2023.

Note: "Articles" includes research papers published in sections such as Articles, Debate Articles, Reviews, and Memory and History; while "Others" includes sections such as Debate, Dialogues, Letters, etc. The articles translated into English are part of the bilingual Spanish-English edition project.

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4. Average days (receipt-publication)

Figure 4. Average days elapsed from receipt to publication of research articles. Salud Colectiva, 2010-2023.

Note: For the calculation of the average days, only works published in peer-reviewed sections were included, excluding editorials and materials published in other sections of the journal.

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5. Bibliometric indicators

Scopus | Elsevier

Table 1. Citation data and indicators of Salud Colectiva in Scopus, 2009-2023.
Source: Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR).

Source: Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR)
Note: The quartiles in Table 1 are formed with the citations received by Salud Colectiva, which come exclusively from the journals included in the Scopus database, owned by Elsevier.

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Journal Citation Reports | Clarivate Analytics

Table 2. Number of citations and two- and five-year impact factors of Salud Colectiva in Web of Science, 2009-2023.

Source: Journal Citation Reports, Clarivate Analytics.

Note: The received citations correspond exclusively to citations made from journals included in the Social Science Citation Index database, currently owned by Clarivate Analytics.

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6. International categorization

Matrix of Information for the Analysis of Journals (MIAR)

The Matrix of Information for the Analysis of Journals (MIAR) generates the Composite Secondary Diffusion Index (ICDS), an indicator that shows the visibility of the journal in different international scientific databases, or in the absence of this, in periodical publication evaluation repertoires. The ICDS range varies from 0.4 to a maximum of 11.0. A high value means that the journal is present in various internationally relevant information sources.

Matrix of Information for the Analysis of Journals | 2024 live version

Salud Colectiva ICDS 2015: 7.5 
Salud Colectiva ICDS 2016: 10.5 
Salud Colectiva ICDS 2017: 10.6 
Salud Colectiva ICDS 2018: 10.6 
Salud Colectiva ICDS 2019: 10.6
Salud Colectiva ICDS 2020: 10.7
Salud Colectiva ICDS 2021: 10.7
Salud Colectiva ICDS 2022: c2+m3+e1+x6*
Salud Colectiva ICDS 2023: c2+m4+e2+x5

*As of 2022, MIAR does not show the calculation of the ICDS and instead only displays the presence profile of the journal in the sources analyzed by MIAR: under the 'Diffusion' label, the number of presences is indicated according to the four categories of sources used [see]

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Publindex Homologation System

Colombia's Publindex system conducts a homologation process for foreign scientific journals included in one of the following citation indexes: Web of Science - Journal Citation Reports, Scopus (Scimago Journal Rank), or one of the following bibliographic indexes: Index Medicus, PsycINFO, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI).

Since 2016, the Publindex system changed its rating parameters, taking the citation quartile in which the journal is found in Scopus and Web of Science - Journal Citation Reports as a parameter.

Publindex | Colombia | Foreign journal homologation

Rating 2010: Salud Colectiva A2
Rating 2011: Salud Colectiva A2
Rating 2012: Salud Colectiva A2
Rating 2013: Salud Colectiva A2
Rating 2014: Salud Colectiva A2
Rating 2015: Salud Colectiva A2
Rating 2016: Salud Colectiva C
Rating 2017: Salud Colectiva C
Rating 2018: Salud Colectiva B
Rating 2019: Salud Colectiva B
Rating 2020: Salud Colectiva B
Rating 2021: Salud Colectiva B
Rating 2022: Salud Colectiva B
Rating 2023: Salud Colectiva B

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Qualis-Capes Classification

Within the Brazilian CAPES-QUALIS system, the classification of journals is carried out by each evaluation area and undergoes an annual updating process. The journals are categorized into quality strata, from A1 to C, with A1 being the highest stratum.

Thus, the same journal, when classified in two or more different areas, can receive different evaluations. This does not constitute an inconsistency but rather expresses the value attributed in each area to the relevance of the published content.

CAPES-QUALIS | Brazil | Journal classifications quadrennial 2017-2020

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