Salud Colectiva in Zotero

Última actualización: 28/06/2019


Zotero is a free access reference manager, which allows you to collect, organize, share and reuse bibliographic records in word processors such as Microsoft Word or Open Office. It allows users to create their own database (library) in which they can save, manage, search, organize and quote sources of all kinds. It has a desktop version that is synchronized with the web version. It also has a connector for the Chrome browser, which allows you to automatically capture the metadata of articles, documents, or web pages of interest for our work.

For those who are already using this reference manager, or want to start using it, they can access the website of Zotero with username and password, and then enter the group "Salud colectiva". Once there, click on the "Join" option and the user will be associated. When they open the desktop version, a folder called "Salud Colectiva" will appear, with the records of all the material published by the journal.

Salud Colectiva group in Zotero

Desktop version