On ethnographic positions in the anthropology of health in South America


Published 10 October 2017 Open Access

Anthropologist, PhD in Natural Science. Main investigator, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Professor, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. image/svg+xml

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Ethnographies, Researcher-Subject Relations, South America


Ethnographies on health issues in populations that live in conditions of poverty, inequality and segregation have proliferated over the last decades in South America. The aim of this article is to problematize – preliminarily – certain patterns in the positions and relations of ethnographers with respect to study subjects and populations during their fieldwork and in the writing of study results. This paper examines the relationships between these ethnographic positions and the dominant theoretical perspectives in the region. In addition, this article explores briefly the resolution power as well as the sensibilities, theoretical maps, and meanings of such positions in light of power logics, symbolic economies, and diverse manners of accumulation by dispossession in this geographical area.


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