Study of perceptions regarding health in people who use bicycles as a means of transport

Doctor en Antropología Social. Profesor contratado doctor; Departamento de Antropología Social, Psicología Básica y Salud Pública; Universidad Pablo de Olavide, España. image/svg+xml
Received: 30 September 2016, Accepted: 26 January 2017, Published: 17 July 2017 Open Access
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In recent years, the development of specific promotion policies in some Spanish cities has led to increased use of bicycles as a means of transport. In the case of the city of Seville, bicycle commuting within the metropolitan area has gone from being quantitatively insignificant to amounting to more than 6% of the modal share. Based in ethnographic research carried out in the region of Andalucía between 2013 and 2015, implementing interviews, focus groups and participatory forums in which 320 adults took part, this article analyzes from a sociocultural point of view perceptions about the health of those who use bicycles as a means of transportation and evidences some challenges that need to be faced in promoting bicycle transportation in the city. Among the effects reported by users, those relating to the perception of improvements in their state of health and emotional well-being can be highlighted. The article concludes by problematizating the analysis of the relationship between health and physical exercise in the city from a socio-anthropological perspective.


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