Mortality due to hypertensive diseases: evidence from the southern border of Mexico in the period 1998-2014

Published 14 December 2017 Open Access

José Luis Manzanares Rivera Doctor en Economía. Profesor-Investigador, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, México. image/svg+xml

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Hypertension, Indigenous Population, Mexico


This article analyzes patterns of mortality due to hypertensive diseases in the southern border of Mexico, as well as the evolution of such mortality in the 1998-2014 period. The emphasis is directed at the causes “Essential (primary) hypertension” (I10X) and “Hypertensive heart disease with heart failure” (I110). Using data from the mortality records of the National Health Information System, two types of analyses were carried out: cross-sectional analysis and time trends. Over the 16 years included in the study, the age-adjusted mortality rates show a clear increase. The findings suggest that the higher presence of indigenous populations is a trait of importance in the determination of the mortality pattern, with the state of Yucatán a case of particular interest. In addition, it is the female population that which exhibits the greatest adverse impact.


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