Perception of the health-disease-care process and aspects that influence the decreased use of the Health Care System among poor families in the city of Salta

Published 4 December 2007 Open Access

Mónica Sacchi Licenciada en Sociología, Universidad Católica Argentina. Magíster en Salud y Sociedad, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. Miembro del Comité Académico, Maestría en Salud Pública de la Universidad Nacional de Salta (UNS). Profesor Adjunto de Ciencias Sociales, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, UNS, Argentina. , Margarita Hausberger Licenciada en Nutrición, Universidad Nacional de Salta (UNS). Especialista en Salud Pública, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, UNS. Jefe Trabajos Prácticos Ciencias sociales y Desarrollo Comunitario. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, UNS, Argentina. , Adriana Pereyra Licenciada en Enfermería, Universidad Nacional de Salta (UNS). Magíster en Gerencia y Administración de Sistemas y Servicios de Salud. Fundación Universitaria Dr. René Favaloro. Profesora Adjunta, Cátedra Enfermería Quirúrgica. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, UNS, Argentina.

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Health-Disease Process, Family, Perception, Health Policy, Cultural Characteristics


The health-disease-care process is an individual and social construction through which the person elaborates his illness, and conditions the kind of help he will look for. The perception of this complex process is personal and subjective and it can only be understood in the context of the universe of beliefs, values and behaviors of the sociocultural environment of each person, as well as his life material conditions. The purpose of this paper has been to better know the factors that explain why the poor families of Salta City covered by the Primary Attention Health Program, under use the health public system. The results show that the perception of the health problems are very much influenced by the material conditions of their life and the sociocultural values towards health. The need to solve daily problems, like getting a job or getting food lessens the importance of health problems, specially in grown people, while health problems of children receive greater attention. The organization of the Sanitary System, as well as the relations between end users and health service providers discourage the concurrence to the health centers.