Birth prevalence of Down syndrome in Argentina

Javier Martini Resident physician in medical genetics. National Network of Congenital Anomalies (RENAC), National Center for Medical Genetics (CNGM), National Administration of Laboratories and Health Institutes (ANLIS) , Ministry of Health and Social Development, Argentina. image/svg+xml , María Paz Bidondo Physician specialized in medical genetics and epidemiology. RENAC-CNGM, ANLIS Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán, Ministry of Health and Social Development, Argentina. image/svg+xml , Santiago Duarte Resident physician in medical genetics. RENAC-CNGM, ANLIS Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán, Ministry of Health and Social Development, Argentina. image/svg+xml , Rosa Liascovich PhD in biological sciences. RENAC-CNGM, ANLIS Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán, Ministry of Health and Social Development, Argentina. image/svg+xml , Pablo Barbero Physician specialized in medical genetics, PhD in medicine. RENAC-CNGM, ANLIS Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán, Ministry of Health and Social Development, Argentina. image/svg+xml , Boris Groisman Physician specialized in medical genetics and epidemiology. RENAC-CNGM, ANLIS Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán, Ministry of Health and Social Development, Argentina. image/svg+xml
Received: 3 May 2018, Accepted: 4 June 2019, Published: 16 July 2019 Open Access
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The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence at birth of Down syndrome in Argentina. The prevalence by jurisdiction and maternal age was calculated for the 2009-2015 period and the prevalence and proportion of prenatal diagnosis was compared according to sub-sector (public and private) and complexity level of the maternity wards. The association of Down syndrome with birth weight and gestational age was analyzed. The data source was the National Network of Congenital Anomalies of Argentina [Red Nacional de Anomalías Congénitas] (RENAC). The prevalence was 17.26 per 10,000 births; by jurisdictions it varied between 10.99 and 23.71; and by maternal age, between 10.32 in women <20 years of age and 158.06 in those ≥45 years of age. In hospitals of the private subsector there was a higher prevalence, attributable to differences in the structure of maternal age, and a greater proportion of prenatal diagnosis. There was a negative correlation between birth weight and Down syndrome (β=-294.7; p<0.001). No difference in the median gestational age at birth between Down syndrome newborns and newborns without major anomalies was found, but the distribution of gestational age differed. Knowledge of certain epidemiological characteristics of this health issue could contribute to the implementation of health policies.


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