Health care reform in the Obama administration: difficulties of reaching a similar agreement in Argentina

Susana Belmartino Doctora en Historia. Hasta 2008, docente-investigadora y miembro del Consejo de Investigaciones, Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR), Argentina.
Published: 4 April 2014 Open Access
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This article presents a comparative analysis of the processes leading to health care reform in Argentina and in the USA. The core of the analysis centers on the ideological references utilized by advocates of the reform and the decision-making processes that support or undercut such proposals. The analysis begins with a historical summary of the issue in each country. The political process that led to the sanction of the Obama reform is then described. The text defends a hypothesis aiming to show that deficiencies in the institutional capacities of Argentina's decision-making bodies are a severe obstacle to attaining substantial changes in this area within the country.