Heterosexually active men, masculinities, HIV prevention, and the search for post-exposure prophylaxis following sexual exposure


Published 27 December 2019 Open Access

Lorruan Alves dos Santos Fisioterapeuta, Magíster en Salud Colectiva. Estudiante de doctorado en Salud Colectiva, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil. image/svg+xml , Marcia Thereza Couto Doctora en Sociología, Posdoctora en Salud Colectiva. Profesora, Departamento de Medicina Preventiva, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil. image/svg+xml , Augusto Mathias Magíster en Ciencias (Medicina Preventiva). Estudiante de doctorado en Salud Colectiva, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil. image/svg+xml , Alexandre Grangeiro Cientista Social. Investigador, Departamento de Medicina Preventiva, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil. image/svg+xml

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Masculinity, Heterosexuality, Men’s Health, Disease Prevention, HIV, Post-Exposure Prophylaxis, Brazil


Hegemonic masculinity has distanced heterosexually active men from the responses to the HIV epidemic. However, with the combined prevention paradigm, post-exposure prophylaxis offers new ways to manage the risks of HIV infection, while at the same time bringing about new challenges. The aim of this paper is to discuss – through the lens of gender and masculinities – how heterosexually active men perceive their HIV risk and how they manage prevention methods and strategies, including post-exposure prophylaxis. Employing qualitative methods, 16 heterosexually active men in five health services from different Brazilian cities were interviewed. The analysis indicates that condom use – the main prevention method – was conditioned by subjective and contextual factors, and its failure stands out as the primary reason for seeking out post-exposure prophylaxis. We argue that ideals of hegemonic masculinity permeate perceptions and risk management discourses in the current context of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.


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