Hegemonic masculinity has distanced heterosexually active men from the responses to the HIV epidemic. However, with the combined prevention paradigm, post-exposure prophylaxis offers new ways to manage the risks of HIV infection, while at the same time bringing about new challenges. The aim of this paper is to discuss – through the lens of gender and masculinities – how heterosexually active men perceive their HIV risk and how they manage prevention methods and strategies, including post-exposure prophylaxis. Employing qualitative methods, 16 heterosexually active men in five health services from different Brazilian cities were interviewed. The analysis indicates that condom use – the main prevention method – was conditioned by subjective and contextual factors, and its failure stands out as the primary reason for seeking out post-exposure prophylaxis. We argue that ideals of hegemonic masculinity permeate perceptions and risk management discourses in the current context of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
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