Innovations in local health management: a view from the case of the Municipality of Rosario during 1995-2000

Published 7 August 2009 Open Access

Carlos Andrés Jiménez Licenciado en Política Social. Becario en Investigación y Docencia, Instituto del Conurbano de la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Maestrando en Salud Pública, Instituto "Juan Lazarte", Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Argentina

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Health Services, Health Public Policy, Municipal Organization, Health Management, Argentina


This work analyzes the health policies implemented by the Municipality of Rosario during the 1990's, when a great number of the population lost their health insurance and significantly increasing the demand on public health services. It is described how the socialist government of Rosario redesigned the sanitary policies and oriented its management differently from the national and provincial areas through the incorporation of a series of innovations in health policies which had a direct impact on assistance, management and financing areas. In order to do that, the local government promoted the formation political-technical equipments which gained support and constituted a coalition with external actors such as the Medical Association of Rosario and the National University of Rosario. From concrete cases, it is showed how proposals of change may be thought and materialized by local management, to improve the access of the population to public health services, particularly in a context of reforms and reconfiguration of the State responsibilities to guarantee health rights.