Understanding the meanings of motherhood: the case of a prenatal care program in a health center in Popayán, Colombia


Published 2 December 2011 Open Access

Psicóloga. Especialista en Psicología Social aplicada a la Efectividad Organizacional, Magíster en Salud Pública. Profesora, Universidad del Cauca, Colombia , Médico. Doctor en Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud. Profesor asociado, Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública, Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia

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Public Health, Prenatal Care, Hospitals, Maternity, Qualitative Research, Colombia


The objective of this study is to understand the meanings of motherhood for different social actors (pregnant women and health personnel) within the prenatal care program of a health center in the city of Popayán, Colombia, a program developed as a strategy for the prevention and treatment of obstetric and perinatal complications. In order to uncover these meanings, a qualitative research study was carried out using interviews with social actors and observation of collective educational activities. Discrepancies were observed among social actors about the meanings of motherhood, owing to the influence of biomedical knowledge and the differences in power relations, as well as to particular cultural referents. The lack of recognition of these discrepancies affects the program's capacity to respond to the needs and socio-cultural characteristics of the pregnant women it serves