Drug Policies: prevention, participation and harm reduction


Published 5 December 2008 Open Access

Oriol Romaní Licenciado en Geografía e Historia (Antropología Cultural), Universidad de Barcelona. Doctor en Antropología Cultural, Universidad de Barcelona. Coordinador Master Antropología Médica y Salud Internacional, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona. Presidente de Grup Igia, Barcelona, España.

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Street Drugs, Health Public Policy, Harm Reduction, Anthropology, Substance Abuse, Intravenous


After and introduction to the topic of drugs, this paper deals first with the concept of general prevention from the theoretical perspective of Medical Anthropology and then specifically with prevention in such field. At both levels, a key element is the participation of the ones involved. Preventive contributions to the programs of harm reduction will be analyzed in different environments such as the one of the intravenous consumption of "outcasts" and the consumption of the youngsters "integrated" to nocturnal-sloth-contexts. At the end, the article states the necessity to incorporate technically, the participation in the preventive programs and policies of drugs and to create a more coherent general framework than the existing one, finishing with some reflections about the concept of harm reduction.