Approaches to gender-based violence and legal abortion in health services during COVID-19 lockdown

Published 17 November 2021 Open Access

Lorena Saletti-Cuesta PhD in Health, Anthropology and History. Associate Researcher, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (CIECS-CONICET-UNC), Córdoba, Argentina. image/svg+xml , Lila Aizenberg PhD in Sociology. Associate Researcher, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (CIECS-CONICET-UNC), Córdoba, Argentina. image/svg+xml

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Gender-Based Violence, Abortion, Feminism, Health Care Sector, COVID-19, Argentina


This study is interested in analyzing how health services address gender-based violence and legal abortion in a context of mandatory preventive social isolation. Between May and June 2020, 27 telephone interviews were conducted with healthcare professionals and key informants from Córdoba and Resistencia. Changes in detection, methods, and demand were identified, related to the reorganization of the healthcare system, modifications in the care relationship, and the resources needed to respond to demand. The pandemic has deepened barriers to women’s access to health services and has added new ones. Networks among healthcare professionals, feminist healthcare practices, and innovative approaches were identified as facilitators of access, which have been central in mitigating the effects of the pandemic and guaranteeing rights.


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