Male depression and its symptoms: A qualitative study with Chilean adult men

Published 30 May 2022 Open Access

Francisco Aguayo PhD degree in progress, Escuela de Psicología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile. image/svg+xml

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Masculinities, Depression, Men’s Health, Chile


In Chile, one out of every ten men presents signs or symptoms of depression each year. However, few studies within Chile or other Latin American countries address the qualitative or narrative aspects of depression in men. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the narrative construction of depression and its symptoms in men. This qualitative study was based on interviews with nine Chilean men who had gone through an experience of this nature, which were conducted between June and October 2020. A life history methodology was used to explore depressive processes involved in each individual’s biography as well as the symptoms reported in each case. The results show that these men experienced a constellation of symptoms during depression, some of which are atypical as they do not match those described in diagnostic manuals. Three types of narratives were identified, and were termed frustration, breakdown, and insecurity.


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