Medical cannabis

Published 3 March 2022 Open Access

Silvia Kochen Physician. Doctor of Medicine, specialist in Neurology. Principal investigator, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Coordinator, Medicinal Cannabis Network (RACME). Deputy Director, Executing Unit in Neurosciences and Complex Systems (ENyS). Professor, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina image/svg+xml

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Health is a human right. In order to guarantee that right, it is fundamental that all activities concerning health in different contexts (clinical, research, teaching) contribute to the construction of an efficient system that promotes excellence, equity, justice, and solidarity. In this issue, we take on alternatives regarding the use of medical cannabis from this perspective. Health research and its contribution to knowledge — in particular with respect to the development of new pharmaceuticals — represents not only a challenge related to technology and production, but also an opportunity for ensuring the autonomy of the health system. 


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