Alternatives to the drug research and development model

Published 4 March 2015 Open Access

Germán Velásquez Doctor en Economía de la Salud. Consejero Especial para Salud y Desarrollo, South Center, Ginebra, Suiza.

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Access to Drugs, Patents, Intellectual Property, International Agreements, Innovation


One-third of the global population lacks access to medications; the situation is worse in poor countries, where up to 50% of the population lacks access. The failure of current incentive systems based in intellectual property to offer the necessary pharmaceutical products, especially in the global south, is a call to action. Problems related to drug access cannot be solved solely through improvements or modifications in the existing incentive models. The intellectual property system model does not offer sufficient innovation for developing countries; new mechanisms that effectively promote innovation and drug access simultaneously are needed. A binding international agreement on research and development, negotiated under the auspices of the World Health Organization, could provide an adequate framework for guaranteeing priority-setting, coordination, and sustainable financing of drugs at reasonable prices for developing countries.


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