Coercion in psychiatric hospitalizations in Chile: madness and suffering in the 21st century

Published 27 July 2023 Open Access

Manuel Alejandro Castro Doctor in Sociology. Academic, Department of Social Work, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile. image/svg+xml

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Mental Health, Hospitalization, Coercion, Chile


This article reflects on the problem of coercion in Chilean psychiatric hospitalizations from the perspective of users who participate in mental health treatment programs in the public healthcare system. Qualitative research from a hermeneutical epistemic approach was carried out between 2019 and 2020, which included 25 interviews with individuals of both sexes (15 men and 10 women) who had a psychiatric diagnosis. The purpose of this research was to analyze their narratives and critically reframe intervention practices implemented in psychiatric hospitalizations in Chile, which constitute an important space for public health in the country as well as the rights of people with mental health problems. One of the principal findings of the study was that coercive practices still persist in Chile, despite being detrimental to the recovery of mental health care users, representing a negative impact on the quality of life and citizen freedoms of individuals with mental health problems.


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