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The enrichment of bioethical proposals built from and for Latin America has been increasing in recent decades. In order to contribute to this, our objective is to present a proposal for a bioethical interpretation from a philosophical approach based on the identification of central concepts of Mexican philosopher Juliana González Valenzuela. A dual bio-ontological foundation was identified: a) the “dialectic phenomenology of life,” which allows the synthesis between the biological and cultural aspects of human beings, as well as the overcoming of its contradictions; and b) the Homo humanus, which enables the existence of the bio-ethical being affirmed as an authentic being and one who seeks a good life (eu-bios and eu-zoein). Reflection on and critique of the implications that the bio-ontological foundation hypothetically couples to law and power led us to identify main arguments. However, the necessary link between the bio-ethical being and said disciplines was evidenced by virtue of their social and communitarian nature (zoon politikón, ζῷον πολῑτῐκόν).
Keywords: Bioethics, Ethical Theory, Humanism;, Collective Health
Categories: Epistemology
Full-text of the article is available for this language: Español.
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