Assistive technologies for elderly patients with dementia: perspectives from the bioethics of health care

Published 3 October 2023 Open Access

Isis Laynne de Oliveira Machado Cunha Doctor in Bioethics. Postdoctoral fellow, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Brazil. image/svg+xml

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Aged, Dementia, Self-Help Devices, Bioethics, Empathy


Dementia is currently one of the most common diseases affecting elderly people, ranking seventh among leading causes of death. As it causes memory loss, difficulties in reasoning, and resulting difficulties in making and executing decisions, assistive technologies and cognitive stimulation are valuable resources in the care process. Based on a theoretical inquiry into the bioethics of health care, and drawing on the work of Aline Albuquerque and Victor Montori, this article focuses on three main issues: first, the concept of bioethics in health care, patient-centered care, and the idea of clinical empathy. Second, it looks at the use of assistive technologies in caring for elderly patients with dementia. Lastly, we offer a discussion of whether the care process could be considered a health technology.


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