Suicide and medical practices: Assessing the way of life among Colombian coffee-growing rural men in mental health care

Published 29 February 2024 Open Access

Lucy Nieto-Betancurt PhD in Health. Professor, Universidad Católica de Pereira; Risaralda, Colombia. image/svg+xml , Janet Mosquera-Becerra

PhD in Sociology. Professor, School of Public Health. Coordinator, Master in Public Health, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.

image/svg+xml , Andrés Fandiño-Losada PhD in Health Sciences. Associate Professor, School of Public Health. Researcher, Cisalva Institute, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia. image/svg+xml , Luis Alberto Suárez Guava PhD in Anthropology. Assistant Professor, Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Colombia.


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Universidad del Valle | Grant numbers Proyecto CI-1916

Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación | Grant numbers 752-2017


Mental Health, Rural Health, Suicide, Qualitative Research, Masculinity, Colombia


The aim was to understand the way of life and self-care practices in mental health among adult male farmers living in a municipality in the Risaralda department, located in the coffee axis of Colombia, marked by a high incidence of suicides. An ethnographic study was conducted between March and December 2021, employing a combination of methods including interviews, participant observation, document review, and field diaries. Economic and social aspects undergoing transformations were identified, impacting gender roles, family dynamics, and caregiving possibilities for these men. By observing how men discuss their suffering and the resources available to address it, it can be concluded that mental health practices function more as self-care resources, while health services often provide symptom-based care, neglecting attentive listening. These findings are valuable for shaping services and life care strategies that align with the conditions of rural men in Colombia.


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