The study of health and gender: the advantages of an anthropological and a feminist approach

Published 3 April 2006 Open Access

Mari Luz Esteban Doctora en Antropología Social. Profesora titular de Antropología Social, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea.

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Sex, Gender Identity, Feminism, Anthropology


As its title indicates, this article demonstrates the advantages of both an anthropological and a feminist approach to the study of processes relating to health, illness and care whether or not in specific reference to gender relations. To this objetive, different issues are analyzed in relation to two main subjects: the social naturalization of women and the distinction between the concepts of sex and gender. The article as a whole argues that an adequate analysis of the differences in the health of men and women requires a vision which is neither determinist nor denaturalizes the body and health, as well as a correct use of the concept of gender. For this purpose it is important to take into account feminist contributions and revisions, which in turn can be reinforced by the arguments of medical anthropology.