Sequencing stories: health and gender research in Mexican women's studies programmes

Published 3 April 2006 Open Access

Dora Cardaci Profesora-investigadora, Departamento de Atención a la Salud, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Xochimilco.

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Gender Identity, Research, Universities


At the end of the '90s, a decision was taken to examine the academic production arising out of the so-called gender in health approach. The study focused particularly on the orientations and the degree of consolidation achieved by this perspective at Mexican universities and higher education centres that offer women's studies and gender programmes. The study entailed an extensive review of documents. It also involved holding interviews with academics (both women and men) responsible for creating and developing this type of programmes, and with key sources from outside the institutions. The period under study was 1983 to 1998. The following were selected as cases for study: Inter-disciplinary Women's Studies Programme at the College of México; Women, Identity and Power Area at the Autonomous Metropolitan University Xochimilco; University Programme of Gender Studies at the National Autonomous University of Mexico; and the Inter-disciplinary Gender Studies Programme at Guadalajara University's Institute of Economic and Regional Studies. It should be noted that the analysis reported in this article is limited exclusively to findings from research undertaken into the four programmes selected.