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This article explores the life and work of Jeremiah Noah Morris (1910–2009), a pioneer in social epidemiology. Morris advocated for a social interpretation of health and disease, emphasizing the impact of social inequalities on morbidity and mortality. His work, Uses of epidemiology, promoted the study of chronic diseases from a population-based perspective. He contributed to the development of the Black report in 1980, which highlighted health inequalities in the United Kingdom, and to the concept of a “minimum income for a healthy life.” His research linked physical activity to the prevention of coronary diseases, and he championed the role of community physicians in public health care. Morris saw epidemiology as a historical science oriented towards solving practical problems, and in doing so he showed an openness to other knowledge, including researchers from different disciplines, which allowed him to approach the complexity of social problems. This article reviews his contributions and key debates, addressing the relevance of his ideas in today’s context and the apparent neglect of his legacy in modern epidemiology.
Keywords: Public Health, Social Epidemiology, Health Inequalities, Physical Activity
Categories: Epidemiology, History
Full-text of the article is available for this language: Español.
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