Care work in the health sector based on the psychodynamics of work and the care perspective: An interview with Pascale Molinier

Published 4 September 2015 Open Access

Miriam Wlosko Psychologist. Professor, researcher. Coordinator of the Health and Work Program, Departamento de Salud Comunitaria, Universidad Nacional de Lanús. PhD in progress, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. image/svg+xml , Cecilia Ros Psychologist. Professor, researcher. Coordinator of the Health and Work Program, Departamento de Salud Comunitaria, Universidad Nacional de Lanús. PhD in progress, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. image/svg+xml

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Work, Mental Health, Gender Identity, Health Personal, Caregivers, Management


This interview with Pascale Molinier was carried out in Buenos Aires in October 2014, in the context of activities organized by the Health and Work Program at the Department of Community Health of the Universidad Nacional de Lanús, Argentina. The interview explores the relationship between work and subjectivation, examining the role of work in the structuring of the psyche, in the dynamics of pleasure and suffering, and in the construction of gender identities. “Feminized” work – that of nurses, caregivers and maids, among others – is examined from a “care” perspective, analyzing its intrinsic invisibility and impossibility of being quantified and measured, which makes it a challenge to management-based logic.


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