Life: Signals of identity (glances at the mirror)

Mario Testa Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad Federal de Bahía, Brasil. Profesor Titular, Maestría en Epidemiología, Gestión y Políticas de Salud, Universidad Nacional de Lanús, Argentina.
Received: 28 October 2013, Accepted: 1 December 2013, Published: 1 April 2005 Open Access
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The paper is a gaze upon life, in its multiple expressions and from different points of view, pointing at the contradictions generated under such approach.The notions "intra", "inter" and "trans", taken from Piaget, in comparison with the "moments of thinking" taken from Hegel, are used to emphasize the dialectical process of living, both in the biological and social sense, jointly with the marxists concepts of "in itself" and "for itself". Meaning is mentioned as the logic of life, together with the necessity of the building of feeling which is what conforms the identity, related to problems of individual and social organization. Notions of "subject" and "intermediation" complete the arsenal of categories, organized in a double axis: levels and state, where the process of constitution of the subject is articulated, for which the question of whom, how and for what organizes? intents to be answered. At last, the role of everyday life and public space are examined in this construction, to end with the relation between identity and ideology.