Do we know what we eat?: Perceptions regarding food risks in Catalonia, Spain

Published 19 December 2016 Open Access

Doctora en Antropología Social. Profesora agregada interina, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, España. image/svg+xml , Doctora en Antropología Social. Miembro del Observatorio de la Alimentación, Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, España image/svg+xml , Doctora en Antropología Social. Profesora titular; codirectora del Observatorio de la Alimentación, Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, España. image/svg+xml

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Feeding, Risk, Perception, Personal Narratives, Spain


This article describes and analyzes social perceptions regarding food risks in Catalonia (Spain). In particular it uses the narratives of informants to determine which foods are perceived as dangerous and how, when, where and why this perception of risk develops. Through a qualitative research study, we explored how lay discourses are constructed and managed, creating diverse imaginaries regarding food risk that do not always coincide with the biomedical view. It is highlighted that food risk is not always associated with the dangers of progress or industrialization, nor is it necessarily focused on the dichotomous debate of “industrially produced food” versus “natural food”; rather food risk perceptions revolve around a series of possibilities that are also related to the production, distribution, preparation and/or consumption of food.


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