Origin of the scientific arguments underlying qualitative research


Published 14 December 2017 Open Access

Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo Doctora en Salud Pública. Investigadora titular, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Río de Janeiro, Brasil, image/svg+xml

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Social Sciences, Qualitative Research, Comprehensive Theory, Hermeneutics


This article analyzes the origin of the primary arguments that underpin the qualitative approach, covering the birthplace of comprehensive and dialectical thought in Germany, its expansion into other countries such as France and the United States, and its spread into Latin America. The historical journey of the text starts with the development of modern science, examining the first empirical works in the Chicago School and the subsequent period of ostracism of qualitative research. The text also evidences a revival of comprehensive theoretical and empirical perspectives from the 1960s onwards, accompanying the cultural movement that came to question the great theoretical narratives and give rise to reflections on subjectivity. Theoretically, qualitative approaches are now considered a promising form of knowledge construction within the social and human sciences, with consolidated theories and a process of permanent internal critique. Such consolidation is ensured by the researchers’ formation of conferences and university departments, the existence of books for the training of new researchers, and the increased presence of relevant spaces in scientific journals.


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