Dossier "Bioethics and collective health"

Foto: Bertlmann 


Bioethics and collective health: Foundations and practices from the geopolitical south


We present here the articles accepted for the call "Mental Health and human rights: challenges for services and communities," which brings together studies from España, Brazil, Chile and Argentina. We acknowledge the coordination carried out by Volnei Garrafa (Brasil), Gabriela Irrazábal (Argentina), and Camilo Manchola-Castillo, as guest editors, and the indispensable task carried out by the reviewers who provided a specialized external perspective, crucial for disseminating relevant research within each thematic area. We also extend our gratitude to the authors for their active involvement in the review and editing processes of the texts and, above all, for choosing Salud Colectiva as the platform for publishing and distributing their work.



EDITORIAL | 27-11-2023
Volnei Garrafa, Gabriela Irrazábal, Camilo Hernán Manchola Castillo


ARTICLE | 16-11-2023
Marta Reguera Cabezas

ARTICLE | 30-10-2023
Camilo Guerrero-Nancuante, Andrea Melo, Paulina Gundelach, Nicolás Fuster

ARTICLE | 03-10-2023
Isis Laynne de Oliveira Machado Cunha

ARTICLE | 03-10-2023
Ester Massó Guijarro

ARTICLE | 22-09-2023
Rosa Martínez-Cuadros

ARTICLE | 12-09-2023
Natacha Salomé Lima, María Alejandra Petino Zappala, Ailin Delvitto, Miguel Adrián Romero, Nahuel Pallitto

ARTICLE | 12-09-2023
Volnei Garrafa


These articles and all the journal's content can be found in over 15 electronic libraries for scientific literature, including:
SciELO Salud Pública | Pubmed-Medline | Scopus | Web of Science
DOAJ | Redalyc | SciELO Argentina | EBSCO | ERIHPLUS

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Salud Colectiva | ISSN 1669-2381 | E-ISSN 1851-8265 
Universidad Nacional de Lanús | Instituto de Salud Colectiva 
Buenos Aires, Argentina