Aims and scope

Photo: Kristi611 | Translated by Nazarena Galeano | Last updated: 26/01/2022


Aims and scope

Open access is a political movement that has put into question the ownership of scientific knowledge and generated public policies to ensure its circulation as a common good. In the second decade of the 21st century, the open access movement is redoubling its efforts with the notion of "open science," that is, a situated, contextualized science, that seeks the disintermediation of processes and the incorporation of inclusive technological infrastructures. It also promotes greater transparency and agility in the review processes and the practice of sharing primary data within a framework of equitable collaboration.

This new perspective is focused not only on the final stage of knowledge distribution, but also on the ways of conducting research, of obtaining and sharing data and of putting the process in writing. It questions the representations consolidated over the last fifty years regarding  citation indicators, the criteria for choosing journals, and the parameters for evaluating production, among other aspects. Such a perspective requires new skills in scientific communication that should be introduced as part of graduate training.

Salud Colectiva joins this new scenario as a key agent active in the construction of collaborative, dynamic and more transparent practices. The journal has the following objectives:

  • To publish and put into circulation original and unpublished articles that from diverse disciplinary areas make methodological and conceptual choices that address the complexity of social processes related to collective health.
  • To promote the widest possible circulation of published articles through the inclusion of the journal’s contents in academic bibliographic databases, as well as in social networks and the media.
  • To encourage the use of published research as a basis for the development of public policies, legislation and judicial rulings.
  • To safeguard and promote scientific quality and relevance, as well as transparency and ethical practices in both research and publication processes.
  • To consolidate the journal as a platform for the circulation of production not only from Spanish-speaking countries, but also from other regions of the world through bilingual publication.
  • To implement technological infrastructure for open science that enables the preservation of scientific information, the production of new metrics, and interoperability with multiple information systems.