How to prepare your paper

Photo: Startup Stock Photos | Translated by Zaira Pellegrini | Last updated: 09/05/2023

All works must submit the three files in PDF format detailed below, through our institutional platform. The sections open for presentation are:

Research ArticlesReview Articles


Research Articles

Submission of original articles

Works must be original and unpublished and written in Spanish, English or Portuguese. As of 2019, the journal accepts works previously deposited in the preprint platforms SocArXivbioRxivarXiv, PsyArXiv or SciELO Preprints. All manuscripts will be subject to a preliminary review to determine whether the article meets the goals, editorial policies and standards of the journal. If the article is deemed eligible in this pre-evaluation, the authors will be notified and the peer review process will commence. Regardless of the submission language, works accepted will be published in Spanish or bilingually in both English and Spanish [see Submission and publication languages]. The journal covers the costs of editing, publishing and distribution, and authors must cover the costs of translation.

All papers must submit the three files listed below in PDF format, through our institutional platform. For further details regarding the submission through the platform, please see the guide “How to submit your paper." 


File 1: Authorship page

The author page must be submitted in PDF format only, with the following information:

  • Authorship information: first and last names of each of the persons meeting the criteria for authorship; last academic degree; current position and institution; city; country; contact e-mail; ORCiD code.
  • Acknowledgements: names of the institutions and/or persons to be thanked for their contributions (excluding financial contributions). 
  • Funding: If a grant or funds have been provided to finance the research, the cover page must include the name of the funding agency and the research approval number or code. 
  • Conflict of interests: The mention of a conflict of interest does not imply the rejection of the article. Any real or potential conflict of interest, any obligations on the part of the author/s with regards to sources of funding, or any other type of relationship or rivalry that may be deemed to create a conflict of interest must be explained.
  • Author contribution: In accordance with the CRediT – Contributor Roles Taxonomy, the cover page must describe the contribution made by each author [ver Authorship].
  • Reviewers' suggestion: include the name, surname, email and institution of at least two people linked to the subject of the article. It is important that the data of the suggested persons be included in the corresponding field when sending through the system.


File 2: Article anonymised

To prepare the anonymized article file it is necessary to download the "File for review" template [here], enter the article text in the template, save the file in PDF format and name it "anonymized article". This file should contain the items listed below:

  • Title of article: in both Spanish and English.
  • Abstract: no more than 12 lines written in a single paragraph without structuring titles, in Spanish and English.
  • Keywords: 3-5 Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) or Health Science Descriptors (DeCS), using the option “DeCS search".
  • Suggested maximum length: 7,000 words (not including abstract, references and tables or figures).
  • Submission languages: texts must be submitted in Spanish. Authors who are not Spanish-speaking may submit works in Portuguese or English. If they are accepted, they will be published in Spanish or bilingually in both Spanish and English. The journal will cover editing, publishing, and distribution costs, and authors must cover the cost of translation [see Submission and publication languages].
  • Endnotes and footnotes: Due to the new electronic editing process, neither endnotes nor footnotes may be included. All necessary clarifications must be provided throughout the text.
  • Quotation: If the article contains quotations of texts published in other languages, the quotation must be translated into the submission language and the original quotation must be also included.
  • Figures and tables: No more than seven tables and/or figures will be accepted. They must be submitted within the same file as the text, at the end of the text, and must include the following:
    • Consecutive numbering (tables and figures must be numbered independently, in series according to their designation).
    • A descriptive title specifying the geographic and temporal dimensions of the data presented.
    • The source of the data used.
  • Data deposit: Research teams must ensure the availability of research data and, in the event that the article is accepted, must deposit the dataset in SciELO Data [see Data Deposit Policy].
  • Research Ethics: If the research has been carried out using human subjects (including ethnographies using in-depth interviews or any other type of research in which people participate), the text must contain (in the Methodology section) an explanation of the informed consent obtained from participants and the approval of research protocol by the relevant Ethics Committee.
  • References: Correlative numbering system (Vancouver) based on the style of the National Library of Medicine. Maximum: 100 references.


File 3: Conflict of interest and ethical aspects, originality and publication rights

  • Declarations: The Declarations of Ethical Aspects, Conflicts of Interest, Originality and Publication Rights must be downloaded, filled out and included as Supplementary Files in Step 2 "Upload Submission" of the submission process. [Download Declaration CIEA-OPR].


Additional information 

  • Article processing charge (APC): Salud Colectiva does not charge for editorial processing of articles. All editing, publishing and distribution costs are funded by the Instituto de Salud Colectiva of the Universidad Nacional de Lanús.
  • Open Access policy: Salud Colectiva ratifies the Open Access model in which scientific publications are made freely available in full text online, with no embargo periods and with no publication costs falling on the authors. Authors are offered full access to the final published versions so as to include them in institutional repositories. All of the material included in Salud Colectiva is published under a Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

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Submission of original articles

Works must be original and unpublished and written in Spanish, English or Portuguese. As of 2019, the journal accepts works previously deposited in the preprint platforms SocArXivbioRxivarXiv, PsyArXiv or SciELO Preprints. All manuscripts will be subject to a preliminary review to determine whether the article meets the goals, editorial policies and standards of the journal. If the article is deemed eligible in this pre-evaluation, the authors will be notified and the peer review process will commence. Regardless of the submission language, works accepted will be published in Spanish or bilingually in both English and Spanish [see Submission and publication languages]. The journal covers the costs of editing, publishing and distribution, and authors must cover the costs of translation.

All works must be submitted via the journal website using the option. For more details, see “How to submit your paper." The basic formal requirements are as follows:


File 1: Authorship page

  • Authorship information: first and last names for each author; last academic degree earned; current position and institution; country; e-mail address, ORCiD code.
  • Acknowledgements: names of the institutions and/or persons to be thanked for their contributions (excluding financial contributions). 
  • Funding: If a grant or funds have been provided to finance the research, the cover page must include the name of the funding agency and the research approval number or code. 
  • Conflict of interests: The mention of a conflict of interest does not imply the rejection of the article. Any real or potential conflict of interest, any obligations on the part of the author/s with regards to sources of funding, or any other type of relationship or rivalry that may be deemed to create a conflict of interest must be explained.
  • Author contribution: In accordance with the CRediT – Contributor Roles Taxonomy, the cover page must describe the contribution made by each author [ver Authorship].


File 2: Article anonymised

  • Title of article: in both Spanish and English.
  • Article abstract: no more than 12 lines written in a single paragraph without structuring titles, in Spanish and English.
  • Keywords: 3-5 Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) or Health Science Descriptors (DeCS), using the option “DeCS search".
  • Suggested maximum length: 7,000 words (not including abstract, references and tables or figures).
  • Submission languages: texts must be submitted in Spanish. Authors who are not Spanish-speaking may submit works in Portuguese or English. If they are accepted, they will be published in Spanish or bilingually in both Spanish and English. The journal will cover editing, publishing, and distribution costs, and authors must cover the cost of translation [see Submission and publication languages].
  • Endnotes and footnotes: Due to the new electronic editing process, neither endnotes nor footnotes may be included. All necessary clarifications must be provided throughout the text.
  • Quotation: If the article contains quotations of texts published in other languages, the quotation must be translated into the submission language and the original quotation must be also included.
  • Figures and tables: No more than seven tables and/or figures will be accepted. They must be submitted within the same file as the text, at the end of the text, and must include the following:
    • Consecutive numbering (tables and figures must be numbered independently, in series according to their designation).
    • A descriptive title specifying the geographic and temporal dimensions of the data presented.
    • The source of the data used.
  • Data deposit: in the event that the article is accepted for publication, the records of the body of articles that make up the review may be deposited as a dataset in SciELO Data [see Data Deposit Policy].
  • References: Correlative numbering system (Vancouver) based on the style of the National Library of Medicine. Maximum: 100 references.


File 3: Conflict of interest and ethical aspects, originality and publication rights

  • Declarations: The Declarations of Ethical Aspects, Conflicts of Interest, Originality and Publication Rights must be downloaded, filled out and included as Supplementary Files in Step 2 "Upload Submission" of the submission process. [Download Declaration CIEA-OPR].

Additional information 

  • Article processing charge (APC): Salud Colectiva does not charge for editorial processing of articles. All editing, publishing and distribution costs are funded by the Instituto de Salud Colectiva of the Universidad Nacional de Lanús.
  • Open Access policy: Salud Colectiva ratifies the Open Access model in which scientific publications are made freely available in full text online, with no embargo periods and with no publication costs falling on the authors. Authors are offered full access to the final published versions so as to include them in institutional repositories. All of the material included in Salud Colectiva is published under a Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

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