We want Mano Santa!: actors and meanings of a 1929 popular revolt in San Salvador de Jujuy


Published 4 December 2007 Open Access

Mirta Fleitas Médica, Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR). Magíster en Salud Pública, Instituto Lazarte. Docente e investigadora de la UNR. Investigadora de la Unidad de Investigación de Historia Regional, Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, Argentina.

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History, Faith Healing, Public Health, Public Power, Argentina


The present work examines a significant historical fact, placed in a society in a fast transformation: the visit of an important quack to San Salvador of Jujuy, that ended in a popular revolt on December 3rd., 1929. It will be analysed at the same time, not only the different ideologies that, related to that event, had an influence on the resolution of health-illnesses problems, but also the grade of commitment and the transactions that the people involved were capable of reaching. Finally, the dynamic of that incident will be interpreted in the context of certain ideological and political configurations in the Jujuy of that historical period. The bibliographic material investigated comes from local journalistic articles.