Letter to the president of the College of Medicine


Published 4 April 2014 Open Access

Médico, cirujano, estadístico y biometrista. Figura relevante del movimiento sanitario italiano.

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History, 20th Century, Health, Occupational, Health Care Reform, Social Class, Social Inequity, Italy


This text reprints the letter written by Giulio Alfredo Maccacaro (1924-1977) to the president of the College of Medicine in Milan, published in Jean-Claude Polack's La medicine del capitale [The medicine of capital]. This reedition more than 40 years later, in the section Memory and History, seeks to recover the figure of Giulio Maccacaro not in his individual path but rather as a person inscribed in a collective movement - along with Giovanni Berlinguer, Franco Basaglia and many others - that rethought the role of medicine and combined scientific practice with a strong social commitment.