Barrio Adentro in Health: a political and social project of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Virginia Aguirre Odontóloga, Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). Doctora en Estudios del Desarrollo en Políticas Públicas y de Salud, Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo, UCV. Docente Fundadora de la Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela. Asesora de la Ministra de Estado para Asuntos de la Mujer, República Bolivariana de Venezuela.
Published: 1 August 2008 Open Access
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This paper tries to systematize a very complex historical process in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, where the marked participation of the community is taking the lead in the social and political transformation. The implementation of the primary attention network of the Health National Public System, which expression is the Barrio Adentro Mission, constitutes one of the most significant achievements in health. It is a political project of social inclusion where they are simultaneously building a service network and developing professionals and technicians. All this is taking place in a contradictory and tense environment while the structural changes of the Venezuelan society are being deepened.