Memory and History: a dialogue between Mario Testa and Jairnilson Silva Paim

Published 6 August 2010 Open Access

Mario Testa Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil. Profesor, Universidad Nacional de Lanús, Argentina. , Jairnilson Silva Paim Doctor en Salud Pública. Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana. Profesor titular de la Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil.

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Collective Health, History, Health Care Reform, Social Medicine


The Master in Epidemiology, Management and Health Politics of the Universidad Nacional de Lanús organized a dialogue between Mario Testa and the Brazilian teacher Jairnilson Silva Paim. The students from the 12th cohort and many teachers of the master program attended the event. Here we offer the transcription of the dialogue, which includes Mario Testa's participation on the beginnings of the Collective Health's Institute (Instituto de Saúde Colectiva) in the Universidad Federal de Bahia (ISC-UFBA), his experiences in Montes Claros, the Sanitary Movement and the Brazilian Sanitary Reform, and the present of the health-disease-care process. 
With this text, we initiate the series Memory and History, where we intend to recover the memory of the Latin-American Social Medicine movement and Collective Health field since the 1960's